Calories In Watermelon - health fitness

Calories In Watermelon

calories in watermelon

Melon belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It grows in the veins. It has many types, which are similar in structure. Infrastructure includes a thick flesh with seed-filled central cavity. However, the watermelon is an exception in the general structure of the watermelon. The melon is known for its taste is sweet and a little unique. Do not combine with other foods. This is why usually eaten alone. The perfect way to eat watermelon is cut into small pieces and sprinkle with black pepper and common salt according to taste. And should be eaten immediately after cutting. In the case of watermelon, seeds need to be removed before eating. Watermelon health benefits in a number of ways. Health benefits owed to different food items are in it. To learn more about the nutrition facts watermelon cantaloupe calories, keep reading.

Nutritional value of watermelon 

A typical watermelon contains about 10% of sugar and water 90% by weight. Many other kinds of both fruits, it is a rich source of vitamin C. and crust of melon is edible and contains many nutrients. On average, 100 g of watermelon contains 14 grams of fat. Out of this GM 14, 1.5 grams of saturated fat, 2.7 grams of monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat 9.3 g. In 100 g of watermelon, and 7 grams of protein. And constitute approximately 5 grams of carbohydrates. Watermelon contains absolutely no cholesterol. It has many minerals and vitamins. It contains 1 mg of sodium, and 0.5 mg of copper and 100 mg of magnesium, 0.6 mg manganese, 200 mg of phosphorus, and 195 mg of potassium and 17 micrograms of selenium. Apart from a certain food, 100 g of watermelon contains 10 mg of vitamin E, and 1.9 mg of Pantothenic acid and 64 micrograms of folic acid. Calories in watermelon weight 100 GM lies between 14 and 50 calories. Read the nutrition facts watermelon.

Calories In Watermelon

Health benefits of watermelon 

Because of the different food and calorie watermelon, it provides you with many health benefits. Watermelon is nearly 90% of water, a substance that helps in stimulating frequent urination. Thus, melon helps clean kidneys. Watermelon contains potassium. It promotes detoxification. It helps in washing off the toxic deposits from the kidneys. In addition, potassium works to reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. All these characteristics of potassium melon can reduce the risk of kidney failure and renal stone formation. Since watermelon contains potassium, and gives you all the specific health benefits. Watermelon contains good amounts of magnesium. Both potassium and magnesium are very effective in lowering blood pressure.

Watermelon contains carotenoids (plant responsible for melon yellow to red), which is scientifically proven to prevent hardening of the arteries and veins. Carotene that is found in abundance in the watermelon is a lycopnene. It is known to strengthen the functions of the heart. Watermelon, regular consumption, reduces the risk of heat stroke during the summer. Watermelon contains material. They reduce the work of the free radicals that are known to play an active role in the development of heart disease, cancer and physical changes associated with aging.

As a general observation, and diabetics often do not feel satisfied by eating. This is probably due to the limited amount of nutrients and calories. Diabetics feel low on energy and often hungry. For them, people with similar situation, the fruit is melons of wonder. Because of the presence of water and fiber, it gives them a sense of satisfaction and fullness. Even eating a thick wedge, and he gives people little calories. In addition to all these benefits, watermelon sugar benefits patients by providing them with potassium and magnesium and these minerals promote the work of insulin in the body. Thus, melon helps to reduce blood sugar levels in the body.

Watermelon contains amino acids, called arginine, which enhances the effect of insulin on glycemic. Arginine is also known for treating sexual dysfunction in men. Watermelon contains vitamin C, which reduce blood cholesterol and maintaining the integrity of your heart. It ensures protection of your eyes from macular degeneration and other diseases related to ageing such as glaucoma, dry eyes and optic nerves, etc. Watermelon help normalize levels of hematocrit, which is described as the percentage of red blood cells in the blood volume. This helps prevent constipation and stone formation. It helps reduce body temperature raised because of colds and flu.

Read on: 

* Watermelon: calories in watermelon

* The health benefits of watermelon

These are some facts on melon calories and nutritional value. Now, you must have understood how important and useful it is to eat watermelon. Make it a point to have regular watermelons during summer season since calories in watermelon is virtually non-existent. The result will be healthier and fitter than you.