Foot fungus treatment in summer - health fitness

Foot fungus treatment in summer

Summer came, bringing high temperatures and humidity, unfortunately-fungi. All we have heard about the suffering, or have suffered, from the problem of fungi. And the prevalence of this problem in the summer due to high temperatures and humidity, and also as a result of swimming in pools of water, the sea, and that increase the risk of fungal infection.

Summer came, bringing high temperatures and humidity, unfortunately also fungi.

We've all heard about the suffering, or have suffered, from the problem of fungi. And the prevalence of this problem in the summer due to high temperatures and humidity, and also as a result of swimming in pools of water, the sea, and that increase the risk of assets by a fungus infection. Areas prone to fungal infection is between the toes, feet, groin, armpit and in the folds of the body, which are warm and moist environment for fungi. What most bothers us when fungi are unbearable itching and general feeling of discomfort. In addition, there is an aesthetic issue, when infection with fungus infection in areas that see with the eye. Cause fungus infection in the skin of the feet skin Flake and his redness and appearance of small cracks in the skin. When infection with fungus in the nails, you can see the changes in the fingernail or color: white or green fingernail color, sometimes it appears white or yellow spots, and the fish may grow. All these signs may indicate infection with fungus in the nails.

Ringworm infection is one of the most common infections. 9 people, on average, among those who swam in the waters of the pond will move them fungus infection. And statistics on the 10%-15% of people suffer from fungal infection of the skin and nails. The percentage who suffer from fungus infection between miners, people living in boarding schools or among those who serve in the military, to nearly 30%.

What is a fungus infection?

Fungi belong to the Group of organisms from microbes, plants and algae. Fungi can be classified into two main categories: first, the vascular plants, Bryophytes-the best known alsharoet fungus trichophyton, and is the main infectious causes fungal infections of the skin and nails of the feet. The second category is best known-yeasts, Candida. Most fungi can produce materials that can break the fats, proteins or alkiriatin, and through that penetrate the tissues of the skin and nails.
Foot fungus treatment

How fungi infection?

On the risk of fungus infection in the skin and nails by several factors:

1. the presence of the fungus in the environment surrounding us.

2. the ability of the fungus to survive, when at the stage of infection (fungal skin peel can live for two years).

3. availability factors and conditions skin fungus penetration, such as humidity, cracks or dermatitis.

Some believe that a foot fungus infection of the fungus in the digestive system, but there are no studies confirming the fact that belief. In cases where patients have low immunogenicity, as in AIDS patients, for example, become more susceptible to fungus infection in internal organs, such as the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, etc, but there is no relation between this infection and fungus infection of the skin and nails. A fungus infection in the skin and nail surface, usually comes from 3 sources, are: animals that live in the human environment, land or a walk other people infected with fungus infection in the environment that surrounds us. There are also some types of fungi that live on plants or spines.

In addition, persons with diabetes, for example, or who suffer from disorders of the blood flow, or those who have low immunogenicity-all are vulnerable to fungal infection. As well as patients in the hospital for long periods, so it is imperative that public baths, workday so or patients taking antibiotics for a long time, they are also more susceptible to ringworm infection, due to damage to bacteria that preserve the integrity of the skin.

Increases the risk of fungal infection in the summer, because we are vulnerable to external factors that induce infection. Places that are contaminated with fungi, such as ponds, fields and gardens, are a breeding ground for fungus infection, so it is advisable to wearing shoes and avoid walking barefoot. Even after processing the fungus similar to skin to heal, there remains the risk of recurrence and the recurrence of infection if exposure to contaminated surfaces. To reduce the risk of injury, it is recommended to refrain from walking barefoot over the wooden surfaces or carpets of different types, it is also recommended to avoid bathing in public bathrooms or bathing in a bath House suffers one of its members of the fungus infection.

It should be noted that fungus infection transmitted from human being to another, but also move from contaminated surfaces.

Another factor leading to an increased risk of is moisture. People who suffer from excessive sweating of the feet-sweating harms the integrity of the skin of the feet, causing small cracks can appear fungi enter through it. On the other hand, dry skin, a phenomenon that we observe in the summer, causing the emergence of a small skin cracks lets turn entry to fungal skin and nail. There are mushrooms in one shows increases the risk of infecting other nails and skin infection. Also, it should be noted that when you treat foot fungal skin and nail, it is recommended that you change the boot, because the fungi may be present in the boot, so they are a source of infection and the infection again.

How to cure foot fungus?

If the skin fungus, in most cases can be treated with ointments to treat foot fungus, reduce itching, so these products are placed on the affected areas between the toes and on the skin of the feet-for 10 days at least. In cases of onychomycoses, there are several treatment options. If the infection include only one or two successful, can melt the infected part using product called keratospor, and later to use anti-fungal preparations in the form of an ointment or lotion. Other remedial means is by using a nail. When you hit a number of nail fungus infection, antifungal medication by mouth, dub doctor and can be obtained by prescription.

Prevention of fungal foot

Since infection of fungi appear in moist areas and in places contaminated with fungi, in order to reduce the risk of transmission and prevention, recommends the adoption of the following:

Keep ventilation. If you closed shoes they wear or put on shoes or sandals, you should try wearing Sandals (open) with summer.
Persons who do not have open shoes wearing during the summer to attend to wear cotton djourab and replaced during the day.
Soldiers are advised to change over time, and algorab should be equipped with additional stockings in the days where the weather is warm.
Gently wash exposed areas of infection every day, and they dried her well using a towel, especially in my Palm and fingers.
When bathing in public restrooms, or when swimming in the pools, be mindful of wearing Sandals all the time, to prevent contact with surfaces contaminated with fungus.
Should people with fungus infection should use their own towel when showering.
It is recommended to avoid using SOAP which causes dry skin. Instead, it is advisable to use products that do not contain SOAP, it is recommended that you shower with warm water, not hot, because the latter affects the skin. Should clean the skin gently while showering.
For people who suffer from dry skin, it is advisable to use a body moisturizer containing urea, due to their characteristics which increase the moisture of the skin.


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