5 Types of Personalities Which Commonly Suffer Self-Sabotage - health fitness

5 Types of Personalities Which Commonly Suffer Self-Sabotage

5 Types of Personalities Which Commonly Suffer Self-Sabotage

You are your own worst enemy. You may have heard this for countless times already, but do you really know what it is. It simply means that you can be that one single person that could destroy yourself and your entire life. Others may have understood this easily and came to realize how to deal with it but there are a few who struggle with it. Those people are usually the ones who are prone to sabotaging themselves and their whole lives.

Self-Sabotage is a particular behavior that you have which harms yourself and other people around you. This may not be in the form of physical harm but it can be on a more damaging level which is emotional, mental and spiritual.  Although we are all prone to having this kind of attitude, there are some people who are more inclined to possessing it.

1. These individuals include those who have been children of alcoholics. Because of an unhappy childhood brought about by the drinking of oneصs parents or guardian, they are prone to develop a crisis driven life or perhaps an attitude to ignoring the importance of their health. These types of persons may have taken on the trait of their parents who continue to drink despite the effects on his or her health.

2. Victims of Child abuse are also prone to this kind of behavior. They will develop the inability to control their anger which is apparent during their childhood when they were beaten relentlessly by their parents even over minor mistake.

3. Sex crimes victims may also have it because their life may be driven by crisis after they have been involved in such a situation.

4. Those who have suffered a traumatic event can also develop a self-sabotaging behavior. They would become irresponsible and they would also even start to procrastinate.

5. Overly sensitive individuals can also have this trait. They will be centering themselves to pleasing other people because they have low self-esteem. They may even seek out or stay in an abusive relationship regardless of the pain and depression that they are going through with their partner.

Sabotaging oneصs self can be done by these individuals because of various reasons. Also, each case varies from one person to another. However, it is always possible to eliminate this kind of behavior as long as the affected individual is willing and committed to do it. They must also have a support person which they can turn to in times of troubles or confusion.