Obesity in the buttocks - health fitness

Obesity in the buttocks

Obesity buttocks of more problems that afflict women. How can get rid of this problem? Is there an effective means to melt fat without surgery?

Says d. Subhi alsheshy, Professor of nutrition at Suez Canal University that women can overcome this problem easily as there are natural ways to lose weight and get rid of the fat and especially concentrated in the area of the buttocks, and this means Eating white radish That comes on top of food for weight loss programs.

Dr. alsheshy, proved to be rich in fibre which radish makes it easy to burn calories and melt away excess fat and get rid of them, and thus lose weight, leafy vegetables in General, whether fresh or boiled or cooked play an effective role in solving this problem.

Highly recommended d. Sobhi, the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram said, no less than vegetables covered by women in her meal of food daily for 25 or 35% taking into account that represents the bulk of white radish for its effect in disposal of accumulated fat in the buttocks.

This and the other and about the benefits of obesity in the lower part of the body when a study showed women among women 25 years and recently completed who have large buttocks and rear end less likely for heart attacks, diabetes, diseases of the arteries.

There is also evidence that ass and big thighs protect women from osteoporosis, angina.

Overall, women with pelvic Qatar with 40.5 inches or more are exposed to diseases at a rate lower than the lean counterparts.

On the other hand, does not mean that useful as fat women seem their appearance as "crabapple" and accumulate fat around the stomach are more likely to have premature death due to a variety of health problems.
Obesity in the buttocks

And the reason for this is believed to result from different methods based on addressing the body of fatty deposits in different parts of the body.

In women with fat accumulating around the stomach, decompose the fats and moves with blood causing health problems such as heart disease. While fat around the thighs and backside is decomposed in the same way therefore believed it does not cause damage healthy as those fat around the stomach.

This is confirmed by specialists in diabetes and endocrinology in the woman's body may help detect vulnerability to diabetes.

The researchers said that the willingness of obese in the upper part of the body above the waist, diabetes, is almost complete, while there is the same readiness as suffering from childhood obesity lower body. 

To prove this, researchers at the University of Wisconsin, long study conducted over six years, including 52 women, their division into three groups, one of which consisted of 25 Lady suffer all of obesity at the top of the body, or what is known as an Apple, the second group of 18 women with obesity at the bottom of the body, and is known as the pear shape, the third group was neutral, and consisted of nine women of normal weight.

The researchers noted at the end of the study, the diabetes symptoms appeared on all the ladies in the first set and did not suffer any disease from ladies in second or third, indicating that women with obesity above waist level, more than those with normal weight or those with obesity lower body or waist level, eight times.

Researchers said that obesity and genetics play a major role in a person with diabetes, but a person can protect itself from diabetes even though I come from a family of all their personnel are infected with the disease, that keeps the weight of less than 10 percent over the ideal weight.

The Italian researchers warned that excess weight, especially in the abdomen, waist, weakens pulmonary functions and the ability to breathe deeply.

The researchers noted in their study of the European respiratory journal, increased weights of participants over eight years caused significant reductions in size, these decreases were higher among men who suffered from excessive weight at the beginning of the study and gained more weight during the follow-up period, when people who have suffered from the rumen.

The researchers explained that The accumulation of fat in the abdominal area negatively stretched diaphragm and full expansion of the lungs during breathingAnd may cause pulmonary functions disabled, especially when the men most likely to be the rumen, while excess fat deposition in women healed the hips and buttocks. 

The researchers believe that these effects can be avoided by reactionary remove fat and weight loss, noting that the lungs of more vital organs affected by obesity

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