Weekly athletic schedule for working women - health fitness

Weekly athletic schedule for working women

Although working women out of the House on an almost daily basis, they are more prone to significant increase in weight due to her long hours in the Office without movement.
Here, we offer you Madam weekly schedule of how to burn fat and get the body limber, adapted to the nature of your circumstances, in that the table allocate you several activities, you can arrange your own according to your priorities and in accordance with the conditions of work.

First day:
We will start the weekly program by following the simple ways to move the muscles of the body depend on walking, to serve as a warm up.
Initially, when you go to work make sure you park your car away from the workplace, or ask the bus driver or taxi, that stands in the place of the building about 15 minutes walk.
Use stairs instead of going up and down in the elevator, and when you need to use the toilet more distant, so choose need more space.
Try using lunch time, get off and walk around the building and eat anywhere near work, or shoot some time to wander down Headquarters and you eat your food.
Instead of sending messages via phone or email to co-workers in the sections adjacent to chat about work, go with yourself in your attempt to move the muscles of the body after a while sitting on the desk.

Second day:
Remember you by following a regular weekly program on how to get slim body, do differently some dietary habits.
First: immerse yourself in the action has been busy drinking enough water, so make sure you drink 8 to 10 glasses during business hours, or put in front of a large water bottle always ending with the date of the leave.
Secondly: avoid drinking juices as drinks contain food values, this is incorrect because the juices contain high sugar other than preservatives, but don't mind drinking lemon juice or fresh orange without any additives.
III: drink of ice water during the day, this helps burn 26 calories!
IV: drink plenty of drinking green tea during work, replace Cup regular coffee with organic coffee grains.
Fifthly and finally, make sure to drink a glass of water before lunch 15 minutes, which makes you feel filling up and makes you eat small amounts of food.
Weekly athletic schedule for working women

Third day:

As we discussed in the previous point, for lunch you are certainly in need of a daily healthy diet you sensation of fullness and give you the necessary energy to continue working.
-07: 00:

Start your day by drinking a glass of water with lemon juice, this way stimulates the burning of body fat.
At 7: 30 am:

Eat crackers love fully extend your body with fiber.
At 8: 30 am:

Must have breakfast on an abundant amount of carbohydrate that gives you energy throughout the day and by breakfast cereal with milk or brown bread sandwich.
At 11: 30 am:

Eat your first meal light "snack" in the day, fresh juice with two pieces of biscuits.
2 pm:

Come lunchtime, the meal must be light so you don't feel sleepy, what do you think of eating a dish of green salad with Greek cheese, or chicken or steaks, or eat a grilled chicken or beef with vegetables steamed "sautéed".
5 pm:

When snack "snack", you can eat a handful of nuts or fruit or slice bread with low-fat cheese.
8 pm:

Make sure to have a light dinner and soup or salad or sandwich.
10 pm:

Before going to sleep, drink a warm glass of milk to give your body what it needs calcium, and help you sleep.

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