benefit of green tomatoes in maintaining muscle - health fitness

benefit of green tomatoes in maintaining muscle

No one can deny the critical importance of all kinds of vegetables and fruits, and talk today about the importance of tomatoes, green; showed medical research conducted on a group of mice were fed the fruits of tomato, green, its ability to maintain the blocks muscle; well as growth at higher rates to become stronger enabling them activities of those who exercise for longer periods.

The green tomatoes contain a compound "Tomatidin" natural that works to promote muscle growth and enhance its strength, at a time that works to protect and prevent wasting disease resulting from injury or aging.
Discovered the benefit of green tomatoes in maintaining muscle

Said Dr. Christopher Adams of the University of "Iowa" The muscle atrophy, or muscle damage, caused by aging, injury, cancer and heart failure makes people weak and cumbersome, and prohibits physical activity and prepares people to falls and fractures.
And muscle atrophy affects more than 50 million Americans each year, including 30 million elderly.

Adams said that these exercises help, but this is not enough and it is not possible for those who suffer from illness or injury muscular dystrophy cause many problems for patients and their families, and the health care system in general.

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