Self-Damaging Behaviors: 4 Fears of People Who Have This Attitude - health fitness

Self-Damaging Behaviors: 4 Fears of People Who Have This Attitude

Self-Damaging Behaviors: 4 Fears of People Who Have This Attitude

Everybody makes bad choices in their lifetime. However, if you constantly commit these mistakes even if you are well aware of the consequences then you may have a behavior which is referred to as self-damaging.

Constantly doing this deprives you from learning from your past experiences and it also hinders you from maturing and growing as a person. Individuals who have this trait commonly exhibit at least one of the most common fears possessed by those who have a self-sabotaging behavior.

Fear of Letting Others Down

Individuals who have this kind of behavior are incapable of facing the fact that if they say no to someone, they will be letting them down. This leads to doing all the things that is asked of them which may lead to overly sacrificing themselves just to please other people.

Fear of Disturbing the Balance within the Family

Every individual has their own perception about a family. However, for those who have this kind of behavior, this basic unit of the society may the cause of their unfavorable trait. For example, if they have parents who are over controlling, they may only be contributing to this kind of behavior of their child.

As a consequence, since these people would not want to disrupt the balance in the family, they would continually follow the commands of their parents without any hesitation. In the end they will never be able to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions and will simply blame others for their own shortcomings.

Fear of Success

Some people with a self-damaging behavior fear success. Even if they have all the skill needed to succeed in their chosen field, they would rather take on a mediocre job because they are too afraid of what might happen once they succeed. Not only will these people miss the chance of becoming who they always wanted to be but they will ultimately never be able to experience the exciting road to success.

Fear of Commitment

A person with a self-defeating or self-damaging behavior usually has fears of commitment and being intimate with people. They often choose partners which are abusive or those who will only cause them pain and hurt. There are a lot of others which he or she can choose from but they are less inclined to go with them.