nigella sativa health benefits - health fitness

nigella sativa health benefits

Nigella or black bean Mediterranean plants, most famously used in medicine and treatment since antiquity, know with us in the following article the most important benefits of Nigella!
Nigella sativa, also known as black seed (Nigella Sativa (Black seed, or Roman coriander or cumin, long known as a spice and used since ancient times as a kind of therapy for many diseases, long known as a cure for every disease except death! are religious as well as the value of nutrition, especially as it has been mentioned in an interview of Sharif from the Prophet Muhammad, peace and prayer and which recommended, from Abu hurayrah that he heard the Messenger of Allah Him and says:
«Nigella heal every disease but boring». Ibn Shihab: poison and death.
What is the secret behind this description see ya and what other benefits as established by and discovered by science to this pill or herb?!
What is black seed?
Containing approximately 21% of its protein, and about 38% from carbohydrates, and approximately 35% of fats and vegetable oils and essential fatty acids are useful as linoleic acid and oleic acid. The most important components, the active elements in which active ingredients are oils that contain nigellone and best known: alnigilon, also contain thymoquinone many elements, minerals, vitamins and calcium and potassium include: iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin a, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.
nigella sativa, nigella sativa health benefits,

The most important benefits for health:
1-Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory and helps strengthen the immune system and fight off many diseases, because they contain Thymoquinone is a very powerful antioxidant.
2-I found many of the research of grain in bad blood cholesterol reduction and help control blood pressure and cut, so let us grain has a major role in the prevention of many circulatory problems and promote heart health.
3-Many research proved the role of kberovaal of Nigella's treatment of throat infections, almonds, plus they possess properties that make them helped in alleviating the symptoms of asthma.
4-Found to have a significant role in the prevention of external radiation damage especially that causes damage to brain cells, and also has a role in preventing nuclear radiation, and assist in the treatment of drug addiction and help your body get rid of toxins.
5-I found many of the research role of Nigella's memory improvement.
6-Black cumin oil plays a major role in stimulating hair growth and increase its density and prevent hair loss.
7-Intervention in the treatment of many skin problems such as acne, and they contain potent essential fatty hwalahmad alacsad useful as hemp they help treat dry skin as it helps to keep skin young and fight wrinkles and signs of aging.
Other mixtures used grain in skin treatments, here's Madam:
-Treatment of skin: mix the powder and cumin Nigella sativa oil, sesame oil and use it daily for a week and you will notice the difference.
 - Acne treatment: you must prepare a mixture of cumin powder, Apple Cider vinegar and put it on the pills for a few minutes and try to regularly use this mix and you will notice the difference.
-For radiant skin and supple:mix a little honey with Cumin powder position for half an hour on your skin, immediately wash it off you will notice your skin wetalk glow